There are many verses in the bible that talk about giving. 

It says that we should be giving in both time and money. It says we should be generous and willing to give anything we can– if we don't have money, we should serve. If we have two shirts, we should give one.

Ways to Serve

There are plenty of ways to serve your church. Your choice of service usually comes down to the amount of time you can commit and where your passions lie. 

First, consider your personal interests and skills. Were you born to teach? Are you great with children? Do you have a knack for community outreach? Are you a natural at public speaking? 

In addition to identifying your existing talents and interests, it helps to listen to those around you. As you attend worship services, keep your eyes and ears open to the needs of others. Perhaps someone is having trouble making it to church every week — can you volunteer to drive them? Maybe there’s growing interest in a weekly women’s Bible study group — would you be interested in leading one? 

Often, the key to becoming more involved is simply being present and attuned to the needs of your church community. The answer may be right in front of you! 

Current Opportunities to Serve


Military Outreach


Human Care


Prayer Shawl


Altar Guild


Church Food Bank

AV Team



