Prayer Shawl meets every 2nd Saturday of the month! 

Knit, Purl, Crochet and Pray

During this meeting everyone is either knitting or crocheting while fellowshipping together in God's word. You don't need to know how to crochet or knit to be part of the group, as there are very skilled members who would love to teach you how!  


The shawls and blankets crotched or knitted are gifted to members of the congregation or community who need the comfort and reminder of the power of prayer.

The past few months our congregation has been blessed to witness many baptisms! Following each baptism, the newly baptized person is gifted with a blanket that was knitted or crotched by someone on the Prayer Shawl team. This gift is given as a reminder of God's love that wraps around us each day. 

Prayer shawls are also given out when members of the church move to a new location. 



If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please join us at our next meeting or contact the church office for more information!



